Sunday, November 21, 2010

ACTION ALERT! Meeting with Village Tuesday November 23rd at 7:30 (Village Hall on Wilson)

It is critical that we have a strong show of community support for Tuesday's meeting with the Environmental Concerns Committee. We need every CLUC member to make contact with the village in one way or another in the next few days.

I have a couple of quick requests for everyone:

First, please attend the Tuesday meeting if you are able. We are meeting at Village Hall at 7:30 in the Community room on Tuesday November 23rd (two days from now). You do NOT need to speak, although there will be a chance for community participation. You do not need to stay for the whole meeting, either. In large part, this fight is about numbers -- the more support we can show, the better our chances of legalizing backyard chickens.

Second, if you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact Trustee Moreau and let her know you support backyard chickens in Lombard. Trustee Moreau is the chairperson of the Environmental Concerns Committee. She can be reached by e-mail ( or phone (630-889-8550).

All an e-mail would need to say is: I am a Lombard resident/homeowner. I am unable to attend the ECC meeting Tuesday, but wanted you to know I support backyard chickens.

Feel free to copy and paste! You may want to add your street or general location. Easy, quick way to make an impact.

Lastly, PLEASE contact your Trustee and let them know you support CLUC. We really need every CLUC member to get in contact with their trustee soon! This link will take you to a map of Lombard that shows your district and trustee:

Again, phone calls or e-mails can be brief: Dear Trustee xx, I am a Lombard resident in your district. I support backyard chickens in Lombard because (whatever your reason is: fresh eggs, you support local food, humane treatment of animals, economic source of high quality food, food safety, personal freedom...whatever your personal reason). I hope I can count on you to support CLUC's efforts to make backyard eggs legal in Lombard.

Of course, feel free to elaborate for those that want to. This is a chance for us to educate the Village board on the backyard chicken issue.

Thanks, everyone! If we all take a few minutes to make our support known to the village, we can win this fight!